Piano Blitz
You are here because you 'play' the piano, but we all know that practise doesn't always feel like a game! It's actually often small things that get in the way of our enjoyment of sensing that things are starting to fall into place to reveal the joy of the music you are tackling.
The concept of Piano Blitz is simple: it is a chance for you to ask any musical question you like, and I will try to answer it for you.
It could be something related to technique: fingering, getting your head around some tricky coordination between the hands, working out what to do with the pedal, how to get something up to speed, how best to position your hand, work out why a particular passage is causing tension and how to get rid of it.
It could be even related to the piece itself - its character, playing in a way that alludes to a 'style', how to build it into a programme. Maybe you would like to think about how the significance of the piece, genre or composer more generally within cultural history. The possibilities are endless!
How it works:
We will play Piano Blitz as a live-stream via Zoom. A convivial atmosphere always helps, and you can learn a lot from the questions that other people are asking. You are welcome to stay for all of the session or drop in and out you please. However, if you would prefer to ask a question but feel uncomfortable doing so 'on camera' please just select that option from the drop-down menu, and I will answer it as an anonymous question during the session for you.
The first Piano Blitz will be in late November / early December 2020 - date and time to be announced shortly.
We ask for a £5 contribution to take part that will go towards the running costs of the Piano Keys Festival in May 2021.